viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

Lovelywholesales Review / Reseña de Lovelywholesales

*Affiliate Disclosure:This post contains affiliate links to products. I may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

Hi Beauties:

This is only a review and it'ss not a collaboration, what I bought was with my own money.

Lovelywholesales is a store that resonates a lot with social media. We can find thousands of reviews and collaborations from different YouTube channels and Instagram accounts. And to speak frankly, many of their pieces are not my style, but many got my attention. That is why today I have my first review of Lovelywholesales.

 When I made my Wishlist, you can see here. I was intrigued with the pieces they sold. So I decided to go to the page. It is not a difficult page to navigate, but it does have a lot of inventory. And they have a lot in some categories that other stores don't have to much variety.

So I looked for this two-piece set because I wanted to experiment outside of what I commonly use. The price was quite reasonable $13.49 but what I found a little expensive was $10.20 shipping.
In addition, the tracking number didn't work. Within a week of placing the order, I contacted customer service, and they indicated that the order was on its way and that the number would work when the order arrived to the United States. I contacted customer service multiple times and always I had an answer.

As for the piece. Well packed and without any bad smell. They even sent me a face mask. Which I thought was a very considerate detail. The clothes didn't stink and were well sewn. But the problem was the size. According to the measurements indicated on the page by inches, it was supposed to be XXL...I understood that it was running small, but it was the opposite.
Their sizes are true sizes. And I am size M. It was a nightmare to have it fixed and adjusted to my size because the fabric was of very good quality. I also did not want it to lose its original structure, but I managed to adjust it to my size.

My score for this store would be 
8 out of 10. And I say this because they never gave me a tracking number and I think that's a super important detail when shopping online. But as I say the bad, I say the good. And customer service never failed to answer me. And the quality of the piece was very good.

Here I leave the photos of my outfit next to the links. Don't forget to stop by Lovelywholesales
so they know about your sales and promotions.

Let me know in the comments if you have ordered from Lovelywholesales and what was your experience.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram: 

And on all my social media networks
I hope you like it
(take care)

Hola Bellezas:

Esto es únicamente una reseña y no es una colaboración, lo que compré fue con mi propio dinero.

Lovelywholesales es una tienda que resuena mucho las redes sociales. Podemos encontrar miles de reseñas y colaboraciones de diferentes canales de YouTube y cuentas en Instagram. Y para hablarles de manera franca muchas de sus piezas no son mi estilo pero muchas me llaman la atención. Es por eso que hoy les tengo mi primer reseña de Lovelywholesales.

 Cuando le hice mi Wishlist que lo pueden ver aquí quedé intrigada con las piezas que vendían. Así que decidí entrar a la página. No es una pagina difícil de manejar pero si tiene mucho inventario. Y categorías que en otras tiendas no tienen variedad ellos tienen demasiado.

Por eso busque este conjunto de dos piezas porque quería experimentar fuera de lo que comúnmente utilizo. El precio fue bastante razonable $13.49 pero lo que encontré un poco costoso fue el envío de $10.20.
En adición a que su numero de rastreo no servía. A la semana de haber hecho la orden me comunique con servicio al cliente y me indicaron que la orden estaba en su rumbo y que el numero serviría cuando la orden llegase a Estados Unidos. Me comunique varias veces con servicio al cliente y siempre tuve una respuesta.

En cuanto a la pieza. Bien empacada y sin ningún mal olor. Hasta una mascarilla facial me enviaron. Lo cual vi como un detalle bastante considerado. La ropa no apestaba y estaba bien cosida. Pero el problema fue el tamaño. Según las medidas que indicaba la pagina por las pulgadas se suponía que fuese XXL... Entendía que corría pequeño,pero fue al contrario.
Sus tamaños son tamaños verdaderos. Y yo soy tamaño M. Fue una pesadilla tenerlo que arreglar y ajustar a mi tamaño porque la tela era de muy buena calidad. Tampoco quería que perdiera su estructura original pero logré ajustarlo a mi medida.

Mi puntuación para esta tienda sería 8 de 10. Y lo digo porque nunca me dieron un numero de rastreo y creo que eso es un detalle súper importante al comprar en línea. Pero como digo lo malo digo lo bueno. Y el servicio al cliente nunca fallo en contestarme. Y la calidad de la pieza era buenísima.

Aquí les dejo las fotos de mi atuendo junto a los enlaces. No olviden pasar por Lovelywholesales
para que se enteren de sus ventas y promociones.

Déjame saber en los comentarios si has ordenado de Lovelywholesales y cual fue tu experiencia.

No olvides seguirme en Instagram: elogiosamislocuras

Y en todas mis redes sociales
espero que les guste

two pice set /conjunto de dos piezas: 

clutch/cartera: Marshall's

sandals/sandalias: Rainbow Shops

accesories/accesorios: Beya Accesories

29 comentarios:

  1. It is always great to find a good and responsable online store! I am gonna check them out to find a gift for me wife!

  2. I haven't heard of this store before. How kind that they sent you a mask!

  3. This would be a cute outfit for my beach vacation. I really love the color of the outfit

  4. gracias por tu reseña. Bonito conjunto. Un beso

  5. You have a great style! I love it!


  6. This is a look that is great for our weather right now. It looks so comfortable!


  7. A suit with short pants? I would never have bet that it could have been so beautiful! Superb!

  8. its really much awesome to try once...I haven't heard of this store before but love the work of this...its amazing...(World in Eyes)

  9. You are looking great. I'll check out the store to get something for my girlfriend.

  10. i would never have thought of that color combination but it looks great for summer. pink is a great color on you.

  11. Love your outfit, suits you well but for an item priced at $13.49 a shipping price of $10.20 seems very odd. Haven't checked this store yet, but will surf through and see how much they ship it to my country for

  12. The outfit is so elegant. The pink colour is perfect and the design is good. You look good in it. I love shopping, will see if it available in India

  13. What a cute and comfy looking outfit! I love the pop of color!

  14. This is an adorable outfit! I just love the color too, perfect for Summer!!

  15. I love the color and cut of this two piece set! You look flawless!

  16. Your outfit is so cute. I'll definitely have to check it out.

  17. You look very pretty. I love your purse the most.

  18. I like this pink combo! Such a refreshing take on summer colors. Hope to see more variations of this!

  19. love this outfit! hot pink looks great! The shop looks fab as well, I need to try it as well

  20. I haven’t heard of the store before. I’ll have to go check them out!

  21. I have been wanting to look into this store. It looks like they have something for just about everyone! I love your pink outfit, so flattering! I'll be scrolling on their site soon!

  22. I agree with the above person- it legit looks like there is something in store (haha pun) for everyone ❤️

  23. You style this so well and love the colour!! Perfect summer look

    Laura x

  24. I am glad you did a review. I love hearing from first hand experiences.

  25. That outfit looks really nice on you. and I love the color. So classy.

  26. Um mono, também conhecido como macacão ou jumpsuit, é uma peça de vestuário que combina a parte superior e inferior em uma única peça.


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