miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

What's happening in Puerto Rico/Que esta pasando en Puerto Rico

Hi Beauties:

Today I come to talk you about my beautiful island. About my Puerto Rico and what is happening.
On December 28, 2019 The seismic network of Puerto Rico recorded a earthquake of 4.7 magnitude  through the south west area specifically in Guánica. From that day the replicas continued as it is natural to happen. Then on January 6 a stronger happened, a 5.8 magnitude in the same region destroying several houses and saddening several children as they lost their homes on Kings Day. But on January  7 the strongest one felt  in the Montalva region. It was an underwater quake of 6.6 magnitude and it left the entire island without electricity and with much destruction and devastation in the southwest area near where the epicenter is.

Many people lost their homes and belongings. A woman lost her leg and a man lost his life. The rest of the island felt this tremor but being far from the epicenter has been able to recover sooner but the southern area has many people affected. Many schools were destroyed, many houses collapsed and many people have their houses compromised since they have large cracks. The Teutonic layers have not stopped moving and this causes many structures to continue cracking and even collapses have occurred after this first earthquake.

And so, for you to have a clear idea of ​​why this is happening, Puerto Rico is located not only in an hurricane area  but also in a earthquakes area. The island of Puerto Rico is located in the middle of the Caribbean Tectonic Plate located in the South and the North American Tectonic Plate located in the North. These. Tectonic Plates move in the opposite direction to each other and this causes that with the slightest release of energy, the island trembles daily. In addition, Puerto Rico is between two trenches: The Trench of the Dead located to the South and the Trench of Puerto Rico. And this Trench is the second most dangerous in the world, where the deepest point of the Atlantic Ocean is located and it is 9,200 meters below sea level. Puerto Rico has 504 faults among which are the Guayanilla Canyon where the epicenter of the recent tremors is found, Mona Canyon, Mona Passage, Hat Seismic Zone, Northern Fault Zone, Virgin Islands Depression, Virgin Islands Platform, Eastern Zone of the Dominican Republic, Central Region of Puerto Rico and the 19 ° N Fault Zone. And all these faults are in continuous activity.

In addition to all this we have problems with the mental health of the victims who live in the epicenter area since they have anxiety, depression and panic attacks because they are not accustomed to the constant tremors which can be 28 daily. To this is added that in these days a warehouse was discovered with supplies from the time of Hurricane Maria which were expired. This aroused the indignation of the people and they are protesting the misuse of money and the lack of consideration towards the less valid.

Even so, the people have risen to help, many people have gone to the affected towns. Taking out of their time and money. Businesses, Churches, Celebrities and non-profit organizations have put their seed so that the south can recover. And you can do the same. Here is a list of some organizations that are helping with the recovery of the island:

Salvation Army
Brigada Solidaria del Oeste

The Happy Givers


World Central Kitchen

Hispanic Federation Unidos Program

You can also find many organizations and community groups on social networks. Thanks to those who can donate and those who can't, thanks for having Puerto Rico in your thoughts and prayers. And share this post so that people know more about the situation in Puerto Rico.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram: 

And on all my social media networks
I hope you like it
(take care)

Hola Bellezas:

Hoy les vengo a hablar de mi isla hermosa. De mi Puerto Rico y que es lo que esta pasando.El 28 de diciembre del 2019 La red sísmica de Puerto Rico registro un temblor de magnitud 4.7 por el área sur oeste especificamente el Pueblo de Guánica. De ese día en adelante se siguieron sintiendo replicas como es natural que pase. Luego el 6 de enero se sintió uno mas fuerte de 5.8 en la misma región destruyendo varias casas y entristeciendo a varios niños ya que perdieron sus hogares el día de Reyes. Pero el 7 de enero se sintió el mas fuerte de en la región Montalva. El mismo fue sismo submarino de magnitud 6.6 y dejo a toda la isla sin energía eléctrica y con mucha destrucción y devastación en el suroeste cerca de donde esta el epicentro.

Muchas personas perdieron sus hogares y pertenencias. Una mujer perdió su pierna y un hombre perdió la vida. El resto de la isla sintió este temblor pero al estar lejos del epicentro se ha podido recuperar mas pronto pero el área sur tiene a muchas personas damnificadas. Muchas escuelas fueron destruidas,muchas casas colapsaron y muchas personas tienen sus casas comprometidas ya que tienen grandes grietas. Las capas teutónicas no han dejado de moverse y esto causa que muchas estructuras sigan agrietándose y hasta derrumbes han ocurrido despues de este primer terremoto.

Y para que tengan una idea clara de porque esto esta pasando Puerto Rico esta localizado en una zona propensa no solo  a los  huracanes también a los terremotos.La isla de Puerto Rico se encuentra  en medio de la Placa Tectónica del Caribe localizada en el  Sur y la Placa Tectónica de Norteamérica localizada en el Norte.  Estas Placas. Tectónicas se mueven  en sentido contrario una a la otra y esto provoca que con la más mínima liberación de energía, la isla tiemble diariamente. En adición,Puerto Rico está entre dos trincheras: La Trinchera de los Muertos localizada al Sur  y la Trinchera  de Puerto Rico. Y esta Trinchera es  la segunda  más peligrosa del mundo, donde se encuentra el punto más profundo del océano Atlántico y el mismo es 9,200 metros bajo el nivel del mar. Puerto Rico tiene 504 fallas  entre las cuales se encuentran el Cañón de Guayanilla donde se encuentra el epicentro de los recientes temblores, Cañón de la Mona, Pasaje de Mona, Zona Sísmica del Sombrero, Zona de la Falla Septentrional, Depresión de las Islas Vírgenes, Plataforma de Islas Vírgenes, Zona Oriental de la República Dominicana, Región Central de Puerto Rico y la Zona de Falla de los 19° N. Y todas estas fallas están en continúa actividad.

En adición a todo esto tenemos problemas con la salud mental de los damnificados que viven en el área del epicentro ya que tienen ansiedad,depresión y ataques de pánico al no estar acostumbrados a los constantes temblores los cuales pueden llegar a ser 28 diariamente. A esto se le añade  que en estos días fue descubierto un almacén con suministros del tiempo del Huracán María los cuales estaban vencidos. Esto despertó la indignación del pueblo y están protestando por el mal uso del dinero y la falta de consideración hacia los menos validos.

Aún así,el pueblo se ha levantado a ayudar,muchas personas han ido los pueblos afectados. Sacando de su tiempo y dinero. Negocios,Iglesias,Celebridades y entidades sin fines de lucro han puesto su semilla para que el sur se recupere. Y tu puedes hacer lo mismo. Aquí les dejo una lista de algunas entidades que están ayudando a la recuperación de la isla:

Salvation Army
Brigada Solidaria del Oeste

The Happy Givers


World Central Kitchen

Hispanic Federation Unidos Program

También pueden encontrar muchas entidades y grupos comunitarios en las redes sociales. Gracias a los que pueden donar y a los que no,gracias por tener a Puerto Rico en sus pensamientos y oraciones. Y comparte este post para que las personas sepan mas de la situación de Puerto Rico.

No olvides seguirme en Instagram: elogiosamislocuras

Y en todas mis redes sociales
espero que les guste

Disclaimer: these photographs are not my property they are extracted from the Internet. / Aclaratoria: estas fotografías no son de mi propiedad son extraídas del Internet. 

43 comentarios:

  1. Jessica,
    I am so very sorry to hear that this has happened. This is very devastating to hear. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you in Puerto Rico. I hope for healing to those who have lost their homes, family, and I pray that you all stay strong as a community. -Much love.

    Stephanie S.@crazylittlelovebirds

  2. I know Puerto Rico is going through some rough times, but I'm glad to hear what's going on from someone actually living there. Stay strong and know people support you.

  3. That is very, very sad. My home country gets quite a few earthquakes and I did live through one that was over 6. I remember how the Earth simply left from under my feet, it was such a horrible thing to go through and it felt like it lasted forever. I didn't know what to do or where to run, I just remembered to go under a door frame. In 1977 we had a 7.7 earthquake that destroyed half of the capital. It must be so horrible for those people in Puerto Rico to live with the fear and anxiety every time the earth starts moving again.

    1. OMG it must be a horrible memorie for you. Thanks for your kind words.

  4. omg i don't know what to say! I had no idea all of this was happening in Puerto Rico...This is devastating.

  5. I had no idea this was happening! Thank you for sharing. This obviously needs way more international media coverage!!

  6. wow thank you for sharing. i am so sorry to say i had no idea. when i read your title i thought you were referring to the devastating catastrophe a few years ago. joy

    1. Yes, we are still dealing with that one and now this comes along.

  7. I have been hearing about the situation over there on the news. It is so sad, so sorry that has happened. I will definitely forward it on to people that may be in a position to help.

  8. So sad to hear about all these. I don't know what are the right words to say. Prayers for all of you guys.

  9. Es increíble que de otras partes del mundo, x ejemplo estados unidos sepamos más, xq de esta noticia en España no me había llegado ninguna mención, y me parece indignante, que con unos paises sí y con otros no, cuando todos somos hermanos. Gracias por difundirlo.

    1. Que se puede esperar de un gobierno tan racista... Puedes ver mas info por you tube hay bastante.

  10. I donated money after the hurricane but didn't realise Puerto Rico has so many problems. Don't really know what to say except for STAY STRONG <3

    1. Aww,thanks for your donations and yes we will keep being strong

  11. Aaaahhhhh...how I wish the media actually bombards us with such content! These are new things to me. This is so heartbreaking. Look at those photos and the sadness in there! I have to do something.

  12. Hola, linda

    Es muy triste todo lo que está sucediendo en Puerto Rico, no tenía idea de que esto estaba pasando pues los medios no hablan de ello. Es sorprendente la cantidad de peligro a la que están expuestos las personas que viven en Puerto Rico. Les envío mis oraciones.

    1. Gracias por tus oraciones linda. Esa es la triste realidad de Puerto Rico

  13. The world can be a terrible place at times. sorry to hear that this has happened x

  14. Thanks for posting this important information. This is a horrible situation.

  15. I had no idea it was so bad. The news didn't cover it very well from where I am at. I hope you all are able to recover well and quickly.

  16. Yes, David Begnaud has covered a lot on Facebook

  17. Thank you for keep us all up to date what is going on. I pray for you all.

  18. I didn't known it's so bad there. Hope Puerto Rico covers from this soon. Thank you for sharing it x

  19. I had no idea that Puerto Rico is in such a mess. Thank you for sharing the information and letting me know about your organizations. Sending in some help, as much as I can.

  20. It's so sad to see what's happening and how people are suffering. It's a beautiful place with strong people but they need help.

  21. The news about the earthquakes was heartbreaking. My friend's family is out there and they were impacted the first time around. He's been rallying up money and dedicating his time to helping them and others in the area. It's times like this that make you realize what matters most.

  22. This is devastating and very sad to hear. My prayers to all those who got affected

  23. Thank you for including legit organizations to donate to! Whenever something "bad" happens I'm unsure on where to donate money, as you really can't trust most people/organizations nowadays.. unfortunately..

  24. I am so incredibly sorry that this is happening. Thank you for shating places to donate to! I'm glad to know more about what's happening from someone sho's there and to also know how I can help. Sending so much love your way and keeping Puerto Rico in my thoughts ♡.

  25. i'm so sorry so much is happening in Puerto Rico right now. i just pray things start turning around for every one. :(

  26. Jessica, thank you for this post. Thinking of Puerto Rico often and sending our healing thoughts to all who are there. We are following the conditions and the situation there – you need help on a global level.

  27. my sympathy is with you. my country is also experiencing major earthquakes since we are on pacific ring of fire. my region experienced the strongest the past months and the people there got used to the shaking! giving you my prayers...

  28. Everything which is going in Puerto Rico is not good. We are with the people of Puerto Rico please stay strong. Sending warm hugs and prayers

  29. It is extremely painful to see the destruction and devastation in the images. Wishing Puerto Rico recovers soon. Sending prayers and good wishes.

  30. Mucha fuerza para todos, es muy importante el trabajo de difusión que has echo, muchas gracias, desde aquí intentaremos ayudar también, colaborando, haciendo eco de vuestras palabras. un abrazo


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