Hi Beauties:
I hope you have been able to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones and have had everything you wanted that day and at those celebrations. With that said. Yes, we already know that Christmas is passed. The Intensity of the celebrations has dropped. I clarify, they went dropped because they continue. And more if you are Latino and celebrate Kings Day. But believe it or not Christmas sales are not over. And that is convenient if you need to buy more gifts and have more unique pieces with Newchic Christmas Sale.
Where you will find perfect pieces for winter such as women's corduroy pants which they have in various styles and colors to choose from. And for my plus girls they have some plus size wide leg pants which are in trend for this season. And in addition to the fact that there are quite a few women's winter coats they have a wide variety of Shapewear Bodysuits for the gals who don't mind the cold and always maintain their fitness routine.
Anyway, at NewChic there's lots of products that you can buy at low prices with a great variety and unique pieces. That's why today I wanted to show you some pieces that I liked about this page. Pieces that caught my attention because they can be a good for a late Christmas gift or a good gift for Kings Day.
Here I leave you with each piece their links.
Don't forget to stop by NewChic and register to learn more about their offers and promotions.
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram:
And on all my social media networks
I hope you like it
(take care)

Hola Bellezas:
Espero que hayan podido celebrar la Navidad junto a sus seres amados y que hayan tenido todo lo que querían ese día y en esas fiestas. Con eso dicho.Si, ya sabemos que pasó la Navidad. Ya las fiestas bajaron la intensidad. Aclaro, bajaron de intensidad porque siguen. Y mas si eres latino y celebras el Día de Reyes. Pero aunque no lo crean no se han acabado las ventas de Navidad. Y eso conviene para comprar mas regalos y para tener mas piezas únicas con La Venta de navidad de Newchic.
En donde encontrarás piezas perfectas para invierno como pantalones de pana para mujer los que hay de varios estilos y colores a escoger. Y para mis chicas plus hay una gran variedad de pantalones anchos de talla grande los cuales están en tendencia para esta temporada. Y en adición a que hay bastantes abrigos de invierno de mujer tienen una gran variedad de Body fajas para las chicas que no les importa el frío y siempre mantienen su rutina de ejercicios.
En fin, en NewChic hay muchos productos que pueden adquirir a precios bajos con una gran variedad y piezas únicas. Fue por eso que hoy les quería mostrar algunas piezas que me gustaron de esta pagina. Piezas que me llamaron mucho la atención ya que pueden ser un buen regalo de Navidad atrasado o un buen regalo del Día de Reyes.
Aquí les dejo cada pieza junto a cada enlace.
No olviden pasar por NewChic y registrarse para conocer mas de sus ofertas y promociones.
No olvides seguirme en Instagram: elogiosamislocuras
Y en todas mis redes sociales
espero que les guste
Woww esos plumas m flipan
ResponderEliminarI really like the leopard sweater dress. :) Very cute.
ResponderEliminarThose look like great clothes. Will have to let me gal pals know about the sale.
ResponderEliminarThose are lovely pieces! I love it when I can find gorgeous looks at prices that are just as great.
ResponderEliminarI love these pieces! Shopping around Christmas time is the best. You find so many great prices.
ResponderEliminarI would love to wear corduroy again! Great article, thank you!
ResponderEliminarI love coats, the Lapel Solid Color Fleece Casual Coat and the Mid-Long Cotton Down Coat are my favorite!
ResponderEliminarI love snagging deals like these, more so during the holiday season. Great time to save!
ResponderEliminarI love the Casual Turtleneck Button Long Sleeve Sweater. It sounds so nice. So cool and festive. Perfect for the holidays.
ResponderEliminarI liked this collection. Christmas time is best for buying stuff at a low price. Thanks for sharing the sale link.
ResponderEliminarI am always on the look out for a good sale. I can't wait to check out what items they have for the season! Thanks for the heads-up!
ResponderEliminarIt was a great sale and really loved the coats :))
ResponderEliminarI like jacket and the first sweater.